To prevent and alleviate the suffering of homeless companion animals due to overpopulation and preventable diseases.
Countless stray dogs and cats roam the streets in Houston and rural areas of south Texas. Estimates have been as high as one million homeless pets in need. These animals live primarily unnoticed in the shadows because only certain neighborhoods are affected; even most residents of Houston are unaware of the suffering on our streets. The rural communities surrounding Houston rarely have animal welfare support from the local government. City and county municipal shelters in south Texas are always at or over capacity and have ended open intake. Picking up stray animals from the streets and taking them to a shelter is now almost impossible for citizens or rescue groups.
Animal Aid Brigade is a non-profit organization founded by seasoned animal rescue volunteers. Our mission is to address the immediate crisis of companion animal overpopulation in our region by:
Rescuing suffering animals living on the streets.
Operating a private no-kill shelter where the animals can rest and rehabilitate before moving on to find their forever homes.
Transporting our rescues to partner organizations outside of Texas where the demand for adoptable pets is greater than the supply.
Bringing wellness and spay & neuter assistance into communities to help stop the flow of wandering strays.
Identifying and managing community cat colonies through TVNR (trap, vaccinate, neuter, release).
Our biggest challenge is raising awareness. Please share our Website and social media pages with your friends and family so we can grow the community of pet lovers working toward ending the suffering on the streets and placing every pet in a loving home.